As the great king David — the man after God's own heart — reaches the end of his life anticipation is rife. Would David's death signal the end of comfort, prosperity, and peace? Or would things get even better for Israel under a new leader? Maybe some even dared to wonder whether the next king could be God's promised Messiah. 1 Kings tells the story of the rise and, tragically, the fall of God's leaders. You'll meet Israel's greatest king as well as their most notorious. Despite the division of hearts, loyalties, and kingdoms, 1 Kings also teaches us of God's faithfulness. You'll see how God remained at work behind the scenes and through his prophets to fulfil his promises to his wayward people. Use these devotions to help you to get stuck into this Old Testament book and discover what you can learn from 1 Kings about the steadfastness and power of our God.